Brutal Address Space Layout Randomisation
roy g biv / defjam
Brutal Address Space Layout Randomisation roy g biv / defjam -= defjam =- since 1992 bringing you the viruses of tomorrow today! Former DOS/Win16 virus writer, author of several virus families, including Ginger (see Coderz #1 zine for terrible buggy example, contact me for better sources ;), and Virus Bulletin 9/95 for a description of what they called Rainbow. Co-author of world's first virus using circular partition trick (Orsam, coded with Prototype in 1993). Designer of world's first XMS swapping virus (John Galt, coded by RT Fishel in 1995, only 30 bytes stub, the rest is swapped out). Author of world's first virus using Thread Local Storage for replication (Shrug, see Virus Bulletin 6/02 for a description, but they call it Chiton), world's first virus using Visual Basic 5/6 language extensions for replication (OU812), world's first Native executable virus (Chthon), world's first virus using process co-operation to prevent termination (Gemini, see Virus Bulletin 9/02 for a description), world's first virus using polymorphic SMTP headers (JunkMail, see Virus Bulletin 11/02 for a description), world's first viruses that can convert any data files to infectable objects (Pretext), world's first 32/64-bit parasitic EPO .NET virus (Croissant, see Virus Bulletin 11/04 for a description, but they call it Impanate), world's first virus using self-executing HTML (JunkHTMaiL, see Virus Bulletin 7/03 for a description), world's first virus for Win64 on Intel Itanium (Shrug, see Virus Bulletin 6/04 for a description, but they call it Rugrat), world's first virus for Win64 on AMD AMD64 (Shrug), world's first cross-infecting virus for Intel IA32 and AMD AMD64 (Shrug), world's first viruses that infect Office applications and script files using the same code (Macaroni, see Virus Bulletin 11/05 for a description, but they call it Macar), world's first viruses that can infect both VBS and JScript using the same code (ACDC, see Virus Bulletin 11/05 for a description, but they call it Cada), world's first virus that can infect CHM files (Charm, see Virus Bulletin 10/06 for a description, but they call it Chamb), world's first IDA plugin virus (Hidan, see Virus Bulletin 3/07 for a description), world's first viruses that use the Microsoft Script Encoder to dynamically encrypt the virus body (Screed), world's first virus for StarOffice and OpenOffice (Starbucks), world's first virus IDC virus (ID10TiC), world's first polymorphic virus for Win64 on AMD AMD64 (Boundary, see Virus Bulletin 12/06 for a description, but they call it Bounds), world's first virus that can infect Intel-format and PowerPC-format Mach-O files (MachoMan, see Virus Bulletin 01/07 for a description, but they call it Macarena), world's first virus that uses Unicode escapes to dynamically encrypt the virus body, world's first self-executing PIF (Spiffy), world's first self-executing LNK (WeakLNK), world's first virus that uses virtual code (Relock), world's first virus to use FSAVE for instruction reordering (Mimix). Author of various retrovirus articles (eg see Vlad #7 for the strings that make your code invisible to TBScan). This is a tool to prevent dumping of a process. It is sad that this intro is longer than the text, but I have been busy. :) What is it? Other Address Space Layout Randomisation implentations require that a file has relocations, so that the sections can be moved to new locations in memory. My Address Space Layout Randomisation does not require that a file has relocations. I call this "brutal" because of how it works - it makes a copy of the host process memory in a different location, and marks the old host process memory as NO_ACCESS. Then it redirects all accesses when a page fault occurs. The redirection is to a place in memory that is allocated "randomly". The new place in memory is whatever is returned by VirtualAlloc(), but the allocation size is randomly increased a little bit so that the areas are not sequential in memory. They are also allocated in reverse order. The performance is bad if the process accesses a lot of its own memory locations but the technique is effective and that is the most important thing. What technique? Simply that a protected process cannot be dumped using ordinary tools. Why not? ReadProcessMemory() cannot access the page because the page is not accessible, and the protection has no chance to intercept the request. Even an injected thread or DLL cannot dump easily - that code would have to copy the bytes in each page to another location, because WriteFile() cannot be used directly. There are some limitations, though. The first limitation is that code cannot move relatively between sections. This means no relative call/jmp/branch across section boundaries. This breaks packers like UPX which use a relative jump to the host entrypoint. If you want to pack first, then use something like PECompact instead, or any packer that uses push/ret to move around. The second limitation is that it cannot handle any SSSE3 (SSE4) instructions, because they use a different format from all other instructions (0f, major byte, minor byte, then modr/m byte), and my length-disassembler code does not understand that. The third limitation is that you cannot use any APIs that pass ring 3 buffers into ring 0, if the ring 3 buffer is inside the image. This means that you cannot use for example VirtualQuery() or WriteProcessMemory() unless you put the data on the stack or heap first. You also cannot use LoadIcon() from the resources, so no GUI applications can be protected. The tool assumes that you know what you are doing. ;) It assumes that the file is a Portable Executable and not a DLL. Appended data are not preserved. The checksum is set to zero. The code requires Unicode support, so it is only for Windows NT and later. The protection cannot run on Windows 9x/Me, anyway. Greets to friendly people (A-Z): Active - Benny - izee - Malum - Obleak - Prototype - Ratter - Ronin - RT Fishel - sars - SPTH - The Gingerbread Man - Ultras - uNdErX - Vallez - Vecna - VirusBuster - Whitehead rgb/dj feb 2008